Frankenstein's Assistant
I created this game based on Mary Shelley's popular book, "Frankenstein" to give players an interactive experience in the story and give them a retelling of the events. I wanted players to feel creeped out by the eerie atmosphere of the game yet interested to see what else the game will deliver and what direction the game will go. The player has to find body parts for Dr. Frankenstein, and they have to go around the forest and graveyard and interact with the environment to get more details on the narrative. The interactive and artistic elements of bitsy help me explore these aspects of the game. I am utilizing art (design of the explorable areas and items) and music to create this experience for players. Each area has a different color palette that fits the area's atmosphere and communicates to the player that they have entered a new area. The interactive sprites helped me create a creepy atmosphere to the game's environment through the creepy dialogue and appearance of the sprites.
A specific affordance in my game is that the interactive sprites are a different color from the tiles and background of the game. This helps the player know which objects in the environment are interactive. For instance, in the graveyard, the black tombs are tiles which aren't interactable but the interactable tombs are green which matches other interactable sprites like the crow, player avatar, and NPC. For one of the variables I used, I made a variable that says all the items were collected and the player talked to Frankenstein in order to unlock the secret room. My game did not need player agency because it is a simple game that involves the player searching and collecting items to accomplish their goal. The narrative is linear and does not allow for the player to make choices with the intention to impact the world in the game.
If you enjoyed this game and would like to see more of my work, check out my portfolio page here:
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Good, solid small game. But, i've found 1 way road at cemetery where you only can go north from south area and can't go south from north area at cemetery
I noticed this, too. I think it was meant to be a "loop" pattern to help the player not have to back track. I think a less confusing / more immersive way to handle it would be like a gate that only opens from one side, etc.